Thursday, March 18, 2021

Middlesex University is pleased to announce a Free English test


Middlesex University is pleased to announce a Free English test that students can take as an alternate language test instead of IELTS to show their English Language eligibility for the admission in any given course at the Middlesex University.

Highlights of the Test

The format of the Test will be online and will be taken in two parts in two days. (syllabus and structure will be as per other tests like IELTS/PTE) 

Score will be valid for Two Years. 

The Test is Free of Cost. 

Below are the requirements for the student to be eligible for the test :

Should hold a conditional offer letter from Middlesex University with English language requirements. 

๐Ÿ”ท Should have good communication skills (university team will check the communication skills before test assignment)

Candidate should hold a valid passport. 

๐Ÿ”ทApplicant should be serious about the test kindly don't send any applicant who is not interested or still dicy to give the test. 

๐Ÿ”ท Preference will be given to those applicants who have already given any test like IELTS/PTE/TOEFL or Duolingo but scores less in one or two section.

๐Ÿ”ทCandidate should have High speed Internet and a working Laptop with Video Camera, Microphones and Speakers. 

The test will be free of cost, kindly send us the applicant details in below mentioned format with Passport copy (Save it Applicant's Name followed by Student ID)

In addition, once candidates have confirmed their attendance they will receive a practice reading and writing test to help familiarize them with the tasks. 

In regard to listening/ speaking - there is no practice test but below is some information/tips that you can share with candidates so they have a better idea of what to expect.

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